I'm a student at Millersville University, PA studying for a BA in Geography with a concentration in GIS. I've stumbled across this site for questions I've had over the past year or so with getting introduced to ArcGIS.
I have come across a problem that I can't figure out and my textbook didn't offer any help so I'm hoping one of you can.
I have a table which consists of 3 attribute joins, and I have a text field which has 2 unique values. I want to create a field in which I can summarize the number of times a particular text occurs.
For Example: Jx = Join #
ObjectID 1 |J1: A | J2: A | J3: B | CountFldA: 2
ObjectID 2 |J1: B | J2: B | J3: A | CountFldA: 1
I have a feeling that the answer lies somewhere in python but I have no formal experience in it.
_"Reads a table and a set of fields and creates a new table containing unique field values and the number of occurrences of each unique field value."_
What I'm looking for is the frequency across the record. Instead of counting down, I'm counting across. Complicated by the fact that it's a text field.