This is my script:
def cut_line_at_points(line, points):
line is gdf format
points are series of points in gdf format
# union all geometries - convert the gdf to shpely (multi)line and (multi)point
line = line.geometry.unary_union
points = points.geometry.unary_union
# check if line in multi-part and merge all parts to one linestring
if line.geom_type != 'LineString':
# Put the sub-line coordinates into a list of sublists
outcoords = [list(i.coords) for i in line]
# Flatten the list of sublists and use it to make a new line
line = LineString([i for sublist in outcoords for i in sublist])
# First coords of line
coords = list(line.coords)
# Keep list coords where to cut (cut = 1)
cuts = [0] * len(coords)
cuts[0] = 1
cuts[-1] = 1
# Add the coords from the points
coords += [list(p.coords)[0] for p in points]
cuts += [1] * len(points)
# Calculate the distance along the line for each point
dists = [line.project(Point(p)) for p in coords]
# create new df and sort again if geom_type was LineString
# sort the coords/cuts based on the distances
coords = [p for (d, p) in sorted(zip(dists, coords))]
cuts = [p for (d, p) in sorted(zip(dists, cuts))]
# generate the Lines
lines = []
for i in range(len(coords)-1):
if cuts[i] == 1:
# find next element in cuts == 1 starting from index i + 1
j = cuts.index(1, i + 1)
cuts[-1] = 1
j = cuts.index(1, i + 1)
# transform Geometry Collection to GeoDataFrame
segments = [feature for feature in lines]
# set the geometry and other columns
gdf_segments = gpd.GeoDataFrame(list(range(len(segments))), geometry=segments)
gdf_segments.columns = ['index', 'geometry']
return gdf_segments
everything is working really well when it's a shapely.LineString
but when I'm trying to cut the Multi-linestring after the flattening it all goes south:
I found out that when Calculating the distance along the line it scrambles the points distances, in this line:
dists = [line.project(Point(p)) for p in coords]
but I don't have any idea how to fix it. I use Python 3.7 and Shapely.