Of all elements given at (ref: http://service.kmlvalidator.com/ets/ogc-kml/2.2/) only Name and Description seem to be recognized on importing KML using QGIS 1.8.0-Lisboa. I would like to know if this is completely true or few other elements from the spec are also recognized?

My question is related to the two below:

  1. GDAL 1.9.1 ogr2ogr KML to PostGIS not incuding ExtendedData

  2. How to convert KML to shapefile without losing attributes using QGIS?

1 Answer 1


Import from kml with ogr2ogr can use either kml or libkml. You can read the specifications here:
Everything not mentioned there will not get imported.


The LIBKML driver is incorporated in GDAL Version 1.9.2 onwards, OSGEO4W packages, MS4W and Qgis Master.

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