I have a fairly large data set, about 5 million features, that I need to display on the web using Google Maps API. I am currently processing the file in QGis with XYZ Tiles, and using the generated tiles to display on the web.
This method works, and benefits are:
- Super fast load time on the web
- Free to use
- Works with Google Maps API
However, the cons are:
- A lot of overhead in processing time
- A lot of space required for multiple zoom levels (Turns a ~2GB file into ~200GB directory)
For my purposes, only a small portion of the map will need to be displayed at one time (~1km x 1km), but the entire area covers all of Ontario (~1,600km x 1,500km). I also need to regenerate these tiles monthly based on an updated vector file
So my question is, what other options do I have to display this data? I only need to show a small portion of the map at a time, so is there a way to filter the vector file to display only what's needed?