As of v3.2 of the ArcGIS Javascript API, there's no internal method of rotating the map, like there is in the Flex and Silverlight API's. You can perform some CSS3 transformations on your map. Here's an example of the CSS you could use:
Or through JavaScript (using dojo):
var mapdiv = dojo.byId("map");
dojo.setStyle(mapdiv, "mozTransform", "rotate(1.76deg)");
dojo.setStyle(mapdiv, "webkitTransform", "rotate(1.76deg)");
dojo.setStyle(mapdiv, "oTransform", "rotate(1.76deg)");
dojo.setStyle(mapdiv, "msTransform", "rotate(1.76deg)");
One word of warning. If you use an extreme rotation, then try to navigate your map, you'll notice some weird behavior. For instance, maps will not pan in the direction you drag, but in the direction you would be dragging if the map wasn't rotated.