Is there a way to constrain a marker so that when it is dragged, it moves along a given polyline in Leaflet JS?
In my page I have route that is presented as a Polyline and a Marker. I want to be able to drag the marker along the line to be able to display information about that part of the route.
Looking at the documentation here, it is not clear how I would go about that:
Note, I am using leaflet by means of vue2leaflet, though a solution that works for standard leaflet JS would be okay.
The vue 'template':
<l-tile-layer :url="map.url" :attribution="map.attribution" />
v-if="polyline.latlngs && polyline.latlngs.length > 0"
, but that looks unmaintained. I'll take a look atLeaflet.GeometryUtil
and see if there is anything there that could help.snapDistance