Following script will be used to review some concepts. It employs MODIS product considered in Wan, Z. (2013) reference. After running the script, it adds only one image of that series (number 5) selecting "Day_view_time" band.
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1')
.filter('2018-01-01', '2018-05-01'));
var collection = dataset.limit(5)
var list = collection.toList(collection.size());
var image = ee.Image(list.get(4));
var parVis = {
min: 100,
max: 120,
palette: ['040274', '0602ff', '32d3ef',
'fff705','de0101', 'c21301',
'a71001', '911003']
Map.addLayer(image, parVis, 'image');
// Get the timestamp and convert it to a date.
var date = ee.Date(image.get('system:time_start'));
print('Timestamp: ', date); // ee.Date
Added layer can be observed in following image, where it was also clicked in an arbitrary point situated in USA area and this event recorded in Inspector Tab.
If you observe Table 9 of Wan, Z. (2013) article, scale factor is 0.1 for this band. So, local solar time in this point (-97.795, 34.55) is 112*0.1 = 11.2 h = 11 h 12 min.
If you want to calculate UTC Offset Standard Time: longitude in degrees / 15 degrees = int(-97.795/15) = -6 h. However, USA also has UTC Offset Daylight Saving Time. In this case, it is necessary to watch date printed in Console Tab: Date (2018-01-05 00:00:00). It corresponds to Daylight Saving Time so, UTC Offset is -5 h.
Finally, for calculating UTC time for this image:
UTC - 5 = 11.2, UTC = 11.2 + 5 = 16,2 = 4:12 PM.
Complete date for this image with UTC time, in that point, it would be:
Date (2018-01-05 16:12:00)
and with local solar time:
Date (2018-01-05 11:12:00)