I was working on a React project with an OpenLayers map and I was having problems with showing Polygons on the map. When the map is too zoomed out, the Polygons would be to small to see them. So then I tried to display them as pin Icons. By adding a Icon style to the Vector style and only displaying that Vector at a certain zoom level. But I can't get the pin Icons to show on the map.
This is the function where I add the new layer to the map. Note that I have disabled the maxZoom property in the Vector just for testing purposes. So that the Icons should be visible at all zoom levels. But when I get everything working, this would be undone.
import PinIcon from "../../assets/icon.png";
class Map{
addUsersPlotBoundriesLayer(newFeatures) {
if (newFeatures.length > 0) {
let vectorSource = new VectorSource({
format: new GeoJSON(),
minScale: 15000000,
strategy: bboxStrategy,
newFeatures.forEach((newFeature) => {
let feature = new Feature({
geometry: new Polygon([newFeature.geometry]),
let iconStyle = new Style({
image: new Icon({
anchor: [0.5, 46],
anchorXUnits: "fraction",
anchorYUnits: "pixels",
src: PinIcon,
let vector = new Vector({
//maxZoom: 13,
source: vectorSource,
style: iconStyle,
vector.set("name", "plotUserBoundriesLayer");