I learned that to convert a DWG file with all its layers from AutoCAD to an ESRI shapefile format in QGIS, one has to first import it as a GeoPackage, and then convert it from a GeoPackage to a shapefile. I already did that. But there's no option to convert the GeoPackages to ESRI shapefiles in QGIS. One can only export the gpkg layers to a QGIS layer definition. I have tried installing and using the Qpackage plugin with QGIS already, but it didn't work. I also tried ogr2ogr for the conversion it didn't still work.
I need to convert the layers from my GeoPackage to the same layers in ESRI shapefile formats.
EDITS: I have attached an Image of the viewport showing the GPKG layers I imported from QGIS. Whenever I right-click on the gpkg layer [ME_AREA 1], and navigate to export, it doesn't bring up the option to save to a shapefile. Instead it brings "save as a layer definition" I really don't know what else to try at this stage.