I have used xarray
to clip my NetCDF file (it can be downloaded here) by a shapefile (it can be downloaded from here). Here is the code:
import xarray
import rioxarray
import geopandas
from shapely.geometry import mapping
xds = xarray.open_dataset(
xds = xds[['precipitationCal', 'precipitationCal_cnt']].transpose('time', 'lat', 'lon')
xds.rio.set_spatial_dims(x_dim="lon", y_dim="lat", inplace=True)
xds.rio.write_crs("EPSG:4326", inplace=True)
geodf = geopandas.read_file("NAME_LONG_201.shp")
clipped = xds.rio.clip(geodf.geometry.apply(mapping), geodf.crs)
Now, I have a clipped object which is of type: xarray.Dataset
. How can I save this dataset into a new NetCDF file?