We are trying to calculate distances to settlements on a global scale (with a 10 arc second resolution), to eliminate 2/3 of the area (water/ocean) to calculate we used land as a mask (r.mask) but this isn't working on this scale.

  • Without a mask it works fine but it takes 8 hours to run

With a mask we get the following errors:

  • WARNING: ZSTD compression error -14: Unsupported frame parameter
  • ERROR: Error uncompressing raster data for row 33288 of
  • CalledModuleError: Module run None ['r.grow.distance', '--o', '--q', '-m', 'distance=r101535547', 'metric=geodesic', 'input=r101535531'] ended with error

We checked the following:

  • Row 33288, there seems to be nothing strange in that row (there is data and all settlement are on land)
  • We used smaller datasets (with row 33288) with about 1/4 of the globe and with the mask and they all worked fine
  • Running it in ArcGIS with a mask, this worked fine

It runs on a E64s_V3 Azure machine with 432 GiB RAM reading/writing to a shared storage

  • Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

  • Grass 7.6

  • ZSTD (the name of the dll in the OSGEO4W folder)

  • Please edit your question and add which zstd version on which operating system you use.
    – markusN
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 21:30
  • Please edit your question and add which zstd version you use. It's essential as a few version cause troubles.
    – markusN
    Commented Jul 31, 2020 at 8:32

1 Answer 1


Please consider an update of OSGeo4W as there is a newer version of ZSTD shipped (of GRASS GIS as well, current is GRASS GIS 7.8 for some time):


--> grass 7.8.3-1 --> zstd 1.4.4-1

Former ZSTD versions have occasionally shown problems.

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