I am using the Python simple editor in GRASS GIS to write a script that can import multiple raster files into GRASS GIS mapset. The first for loop successfully pulls in the orthophoto and its relevant bands into the mapset. Then the second for loop executes without error, but when I print the computation region extent info, this run_command
with g.region
did not result in my computational extent being updated. I was referencing this coding tutorial by Brendan Harmon. The difference here is that the orthophotos I am working with are found in different locations in a relatively small region.
This for loop successfully brings in the imagery, also set_resolution
is a var set to 0.0068
# set path
data = os.path.join(
# set region
gscript.run_command('g.region', res=set_resolution)
# iterate through files in directory
for file in os.listdir(data):
filename = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
# iterate through geotiffs
if file.endswith('.tif'):
# check if raster is already in mapset
input=os.path.join(data, file),
But then when I run this for loop on the list of rasters in the mapset
# list rasters in mapset
raster_list = gscript.list_grouped('rast',
for raster in raster_list:
# set region
This is my output for g.region -p
zone: 0
datum: wgs84
ellipsoid: wgs84
north: 34:24:33.787198N
south: 34:24:30.533559N
west: 119:52:30.888396W
east: 119:52:21.920483W
nsres: 0:00:03.253639
ewres: 0:00:08.967913
rows: 1
cols: 1
cells: 1
Note that this is an easy task manually, but I would like to automate this. Since I am new to GRASS GIS, I would print my environment settings to give you all more context, but I am not sure what command that is.