I am working on a QGIS plugin for which I am iterating over an inputlayer (point) and requesting a responselayer (polygon) for each inputfeature. The responselayer then contains several responsefeatures for each inputfeature.

I am trying to create a new vector layer having the geometry of each responsefeature and its attributes. Also the inputfeatures attributes shall be copied over.

So far I have managed to create the new vector layer and adding the inputfeatures x times to it. But I am struggling to set the geometry and attributes of it to the responselayer's ones.

This is my relevant code:

# creating outputlayer
Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon?crs=epsg:4326", "Isochrones", "memory") # Create temporary polygon layer (output file)
Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR = Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL.dataProvider()
Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.addAttributes(isochrones_selectedLayer.fields()) # Copy all fieldnames of inputlayer to outputlayer  
Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.addAttributes([QgsField("Isochrone_UID", QVariant.Int),QgsField("Isochrone_Error", QVariant.String),QgsField("Isochrone_URL", QVariant.String),QgsField("Isochrone_Time",QVariant.Int)]) # Add Error and URL Field to outputlayer
Inputlayer_outFeat = QgsFeature() # set QgsFeature

# iterating through input layer
for Inputlayer_Feature in Inputlayer_Features:
    # doing stuff
    # e.g. requesting response layer having several features for each feature of input layer
    # iterating through response layer
    for feat in Isochrone_Feature:
                Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.addFeatures([Inputlayer_outFeat]) # Add attributes of inputlayer to outputlayer
                #Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.changeAttributeValues(feat.id(), 2, 30)
                #Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR['Isochrone_URL'] = str(isochrone_url)

As you can see the second loop is a mess of a few things I have tried. I think the way to go should be changeAttributeValues and changeGeometryValues, but from the docs I have no idea how to actually use it. An example would help here. I already took a look at the cookbook. The only question with an example I can find is six years old and doesn't help solving my question. When trying the answer, I am getting TypeError: QgsVectorDataProvider.changeAttributeValues(): argument 1 has unexpected type 'int'. Maybe due to changes in the API? But since I am still a beginner in pyqgis it could also be some simple stuff.

How can I set the geometry of my new vector layer to the responselayers geometry and add the responselayers attributes (only "time", the other attributes like url, error, etc. are generic) to it?

  • 1
    You want to change the feature after addFeature. Do it before on feat like feat.setGeometry(your_geom) and feat.setAttribute("Isochrone_UID", my_uid_value), and after, lyr.addFeature(feat). Commented Aug 3, 2020 at 11:39

1 Answer 1


I solved it the following. I can not say whether this is smart or not, but it is working:

isochrone_uid_counter = 0
isochrone_id_counter = 0    
# Create the Vectorlayer
Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL = QgsVectorLayer("MultiPolygon?crs=epsg:4326", "Isochrones", "memory") # Create temporary polygon layer (output file)
Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR = Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL.dataProvider()
Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL.startEditing() # Enter editing mode
Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.addAttributes([QgsField("Isochrone_Time",QVariant.Int),QgsField("Isochrone_UID", QVariant.Int),QgsField("Isochrone_ID", QVariant.Int),QgsField("Isochrone_Error", QVariant.String),QgsField("Isochrone_URL", QVariant.String)]) # Add Error and URL Field to outputlayer        
Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.addAttributes(isochrones_selectedLayer.fields()) # Copy all fieldnames of inputlayer to outputlayer  
Inputlayer_NumberOfFields = isochrones_selectedLayer.fields().count()  # count number of fields in inputlayer
Inputlayer_outFeat = QgsFeature() # set QgsFeature

# iterating through input layer
for Inputlayer_Feature in Inputlayer_Features:
    # doing stuff
    # e.g. requesting response layer having several features for each feature of input layer
    Inputlayer_Attributes = Inputlayer_Feature.attributes() # fetch attributes          
    Inputlayer_outFeat.setAttributes(Inputlayer_Feature.attributes()) # set the attributes
    #iterate trough isochrone
    isochrone_id_counter = isochrone_id_counter + 1
    for Isochrone_Feature in Isochrone_Features:
        isochrone_uid_counter = isochrone_uid_counter + 1
        Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.addFeature(Isochrone_Feature) # copy features of responselayer including geometry and attributes (it is always only one attribute) to new layer
        attrs_isochrone = { 1 : isochrone_uid_counter, 2 : isochrone_id_counter, 3 : Isochrones_Error , 4 : url } # set further generic attributes
        Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.changeAttributeValues({ Isochrone_Feature.id() : attrs_isochrone }) # change attribute values of new layer to the just set ones
        for i in range(0, Inputlayer_NumberOfFields): # iterate over new layer as many fields as the input layer has
            attrs_inputlayer = { i + 5 : Inputlayer_Attributes[i] } # set attributes of inputlayer (+5 because we added 5 new fields before)
            Isochrones_Memorylayer_PR.changeAttributeValues({ Isochrone_Feature.id() : attrs_inputlayer }) # change attribute values of new layer to the ones from inputlayer 
        Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL.updateFields() # make sure to fetch changes from the provider

Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL.commitChanges() # Commit changes
QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(Isochrones_Memorylayer_VL)# Show in project

My first mistake was to copy the features (including geometry) of my inputlayer instead of the response layer. So I just copy these features which always have one attribute. Then add my generic attributes which are always 4. At last I am iterating over the fields of my inputlayer and add these attributes.

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