Hopefully a simple question.

I'm concatenating some fields in a featureCollection by running this .map function:

var fc = ee.FeatureCollection('users/xxx/featurecollection')
    .map(function (feature) {      
        return feature.set('combined', 
          .cat(' ')
          .cat(' ')

It works fine. But, when I go to export to an Asset, I get the error "Error: Unable to export features with empty geometry"

  collection: fc,
  assetId: 'MyExportedFC',

Question: How do I skip features with Null/empty geometry in the above .map function?

1 Answer 1


The ee.Filter.bounds() drops features without a geometry. If you first construct a bounded geometry of all features, you could use this filter like this:

// bounded geometry
var bounded = fc.geometry().bounds();

// filter the feature without a geometry
var filtered = fc.filter(ee.Filter.bounds(bounded))

Example link. Alternatively, use fc.filterBounds().

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