Try the options below. This will select all features in your point layer which lie outside of your polygon layer.
Note: Both layers should be in the same Coordinate Reference System, and in both cases make absolutely sure that the layer names match yours and are spelt correctly e.g. 'Point_Link' for the point layer and 'IDN_ALL' for the polygon layer.
Option 1- use processing algorithm 'Select By Location'
project = QgsProject().instance()
Layer1 = project.mapLayersByName('Point_Link')[0]
Layer2 = project.mapLayersByName('IDN_ALL')[0]"qgis:selectbylocation", {'INPUT':Layer1,'PREDICATE':[6],'INTERSECT':Layer2,'METHOD':0})
Option 2- This approach avoids the use of processing, but will produce the same result.
project = QgsProject().instance()
Layer1 = project.mapLayersByName('Point_Link')[0]
Layer2 = project.mapLayersByName('IDN_ALL')[0]
index = QgsSpatialIndex(Layer1.getFeatures())
pntFts = [f for f in Layer1.getFeatures()]
pts2select = []
for f in Layer2.getFeatures():
candidateIds = index.intersects(f.geometry().boundingBox())
candidateFts = [f for f in pntFts if in candidateIds]
for p in candidateFts:
if p.geometry().within(f.geometry()):