I want to print the number that corresponds to the list of classes I defined in the variable pixelClass
, but when I click on my button, it only prints the label name, not the number. How can I make it to print only the number?
My code:
var pixelClass = {
'All' : 0,
'Soil' : 2,
'Water' : 3,
'Dead Grass' : 5,
'Marsh' : 6,
'Scrub' : 7,
'Grass' : 8,
'Forested Upland' : 9,
'Forested Wetland' : 10,
'Developed' : 11,
var classSelector = ui.Select({
items: Object.keys(pixelClass),
value: null,
style: {width: '35%', stretch: 'horizontal',padding:'0px 0px 0px 10px'}
var Button = ui.Button({
label: 'Print Value',
style: {width: '45%', stretch: 'horizontal',padding:'0px 0px 0px 10px'},
onClick: function getValue(){
return print(classSelector.getValue())
var panel = ui.Panel({
layout: ui.Panel.Layout.flow('vertical'),
style: {width: '350px'} });
ui.root.insert(0, panel);
Link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/91c0a53623b8ea0a901d2f7751884e3c