Today I was trying to use ArcMap to find out what is the distance between two locations with same coordinate values in NAD27 and NAD83, but the points I drew appeared to be at the exact same location. There must be something wrong with my understanding in datum or my knowledge in ArcMap, but I can't figure it out. Below is what I did:
- Open a blank mxd
- Create a Feature Class A in a File Geodatabase in NAD27 coordinate system
- Create a point in Feature Class A at (40, -75), save edit
- Open a new mxd
- Create a Feature Class B in a File Geodatabase in NAD83 coordinate system
- Create a point in Feature Class B at (40, -75), save edit
- Load Feature Class B in the first mxd
The result was that the points in two feature class appeared at the exact same location. I believe there is something to do with projection on the fly, but I thought if the two points represented two different real world locations, they should appear in different locations on a map no matter what coordinate system the map uses. What am I missing here?