Say I am calculating some numbers in some way and I end up needing to create some geometries based on those numbers. The simplest example would be:
var bboxList = ee.List([1,2,8,9]) // assume this has been calculated in gee
// the below line should, in my opinion, work, but it doesn't,
// because ee.Geometry.BBox can only handle client-side objects
var myBbox = ee.Geometry.BBox(bboxList.get(0),bboxList.get(1),bboxList.get(2),bboxList.get(3))
// what finally works is getting the server-side object to the client-side,
// but this is highly discouraged
var myBbox = ee.Geometry.BBox(bboxList.get(0).getInfo(),bboxList.get(1).getInfo(),bboxList.get(2).getInfo(),bboxList.get(3).getInfo())
Is there a way to create geometries, without passing all their coordinates by the client? It is obviously not an issue when there's only 4 coordinates, but one can easily imagine this becoming an issue with thousands, or millions of coordinates sent back and forth.