My table in PostGIS is this with name samplecol
vessel_hash | name_city | station | speed | latitude | longitude | course | heading | timestamp | the_geom
103079215239 |newyork | 841 | 5 | -5.41844510 | 36.12160900 | 314 | 511 | 2016-06-12T06:31:04.000Z | 0101000020E61000001BF33AE2900F424090AF4EDF7CAC15C0
103079215239 |washangton | 3008 | 0 | -5.41778710 | 36.12144900 | 117 | 511 | 2016-06-12T06:43:27.000Z | 0101000020E6100000E2900DA48B0F424042C3AC61D0AB15C0
103079215239 |paris | 841 | 17 | -5.42236900 | 36.12356900 | 259 | 511 | 2016-06-12T06:50:27.000Z | 0101000020E610000054E6E61BD10F42407C60C77F81B015C0
103079215239 |room | 841 | 17 | -5.41781710 | 36.12147900 | 230 | 511 | 2016-06-12T06:27:03.000Z | 0101000020E61000004D13B69F8C0F424097D6F03ED8AB15C0
103079215239 |pensilvenia| 841 | 61 | -5.42201900 | 36.13256100 | 157 | 511 | 2016-06-12T06:08:04.000Z | 0101000020E6100000CFDC43C2F71042409929ADBF25B015C0
103079215239 |jorjia | 841 | 9 | -5.41834020 | 36.12225000 | 359 | 511 | 2016-06-12T06:33:03.000Z | 0101000020E6100000CFF753E3A50F42408D68965F61AC15C0
Output query will must be like this:
name_city | latitude | longitude
newyork |-5.41844510 | 36.12160900
pensilvenia|-5.42201900 | 36.13256100
jorjia |-5.41834020 | 36.12225000
My code is this:
poisInpolygon = """SELECT samplecol.latitude,samplecol.name_city samplecol.longitude
FROM samplecol
WHERE ST_Contains(samplecol.the_geom,('POLYGON((-15.0292969 47.6357836, -15.2050781 47.5172007,
-16.2597656 29.3821751, 35.0683594 26.1159859, 38.0566406 47.6357836, -15.0292969 47.6357836))'));"""
exists1 = cursor.fetchall()
count1 = 0;
for ex1 in exists1:
count1 = count1+1
print ex1,"\n"
print "points", count1
I try this code and query but return 0.
What is the problem?