I would like to crop my NetCDF file for a specific location using NCO. However, I am quite lost in the documentation. So far, I've tried this:

ncks -v Precipitation_Flux -d lon,-18.751,-7.684314, -d lat,-40.9972,33.696913 C3S_concat.nc C3S_concat_cropped.nc

With error:

ncks: ERROR parsing hyperslab specification for dimension lon,-18.751,-7.684314,
Stride must be specified (and be a positive integer)

Deleting float and negative values didn't help me. And I am not understanding what is the Stride.

  • Okey I see that NCO topics are quite intensively discussed in StackOverflow. Should I put it there?
    – Luckasino
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 9:46

1 Answer 1


The error you received was due to the extra comma in the -d lon option. Try this:

ncks -v Precipitation_Flux -d lon,-18.751,-7.684314 -d lat,-40.9972,33.696913 C3S_concat.nc C3S_concat_cropped.nc
  • Great! Thanks! It is running!
    – Luckasino
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 14:32

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