I have this code in which I would like to perform a for loop in which every time I get one raster as input (the one called L, different for every month) and divide it always by the same raster (the one called U). The code seems to work, but it always gives me as result an invalid raster since all the pixels have value 3.40282e+38, BUT if I do the same manually with the Raster Calculator (so not with a python script) it gives me the right result. Can someone tell me where is the mistake in my code?
import qgis
import gdal
from qgis.analysis import QgsRasterCalculator, QgsRasterCalculatorEntry
from qgis.core import QgsRasterLayer
U90 = QgsRasterLayer('/Users/macbook/Desktop/TESI/PROGETTO/rasterUfinali/U_1990.tif', 'U90')
entries = []
u = QgsRasterCalculatorEntry()
u.ref = 'U@1'
u.raster = U90
u.bandNumber = 1
entries.append( u )
inputpath= r'/Users/macbook/Desktop/TESI/PROGETTO/L/'
suffix_input=['Ljan', 'Lfeb', 'Lmar', 'Lapr', 'Lmay', 'Ljun', 'Ljul', 'Laug', 'Lsep', 'Loct', 'Lnov', 'Ldec']
outputpath= r'/Users/macbook/Desktop/TESI/PROGETTO/lamb/'
layers_path = []
layers = [ QgsRasterLayer(inputpath + suffix_input[i] + '.tif', suffix_input[i] ) for i in range(len(suffix_input)) ]
raster_ref = [ '{}@1'.format(suffix) for suffix in suffix_input ]
for i in range(12):
layer = QgsRasterCalculatorEntry()
layer.ref = raster_ref[i]
layer.raster = layers[i]
layer.bandNumber = 1
entries.append( layer )
new_path = outputpath + suffix_output[i] + '.tif'
l = layer.ref +'/'+ u.ref
lamb = QgsRasterCalculator(l, new_path, 'GTiff', layers[i].extent(), layers[i].width(), layers[i].height(), entries )
. You will see the exact Python command that worked there. Then compare it to yours and look for potential differences / mistakes.