I have an RGBA foo.tif with NoData Value=0 on all 4 bands.

Unfortunately values that are transparent black (0 0 0 0), when converting to jpg, become black instead of no data becoming white like I would expect.

I am trying to work around it with a basic color = if R+G+B==0 then white else color for each band:

gdal_calc.py -R foo.tif --R_band=1 -G foo.tif --G_band=2 -B foo.tif --B_band=3 --outfile=result.tif \
  --calc="where(R+G+B,R,255)" --calc="G*where(R+G+B,G,255)" --calc="where(R+G+B,B,255)" --overwrite

Or this "arithmetic-only" variant

gdal_calc.py -R foo.tif --R_band=1 -G foo.tif --G_band=2 -B foo.tif --B_band=3 --outfile=result.tif \
  --calc='R*((R+G+B)!=0) + 255*((R+G+B)==0)' --calc='G*((R+G+B)!=0) + 255*((R+G+B)==0)' --calc='B*((R+G+B)!=0) + 255*((R+G+B)==0)' --overwrite

But the result is not as I expect: Input / Output

input output

Al lot of colors (orange...) have turned white, which is the output's nodata value. And if I add --NoDataValue=0 I get this:


Which makes me think the Blue Band 3 is somehow the only one impacted by the input "nodata" value of 0. How can I fix this? I have GDAL 3.2 without the new -hideNoData flag :-(

Or better, can I make a jpg with a white "bottom" with pure GDAL (like this answer, but without rasterio because I actually want mbtiles jpg in the end)

gdalinfo foo.tif
Band 1 Block=390x5 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
  NoData Value=0
Band 2 Block=390x5 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
  NoData Value=0
Band 3 Block=390x5 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
  NoData Value=0
Band 4 Block=390x5 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Alpha
  NoData Value=0

1 Answer 1


If you absolutely need JPG output, read after the first example. But, in this specific case, you might be better off with PNG output if that works for you.

gdal_translate -q -of PNG -co WORLDFILE=YES foo.tif foo3.png


tif to png

Converting to JPG is not straightforward as for PNG but try setting the nodata for all bands to 255 first if you want a white background n JPG, i.e., "255, 255, 255, 255" employing an intermediate VRT file. Then convert the VRT to JPG.

gdalbuildvrt -hidenodata -vrtnodata "255 255 255 255" foo.vrt foo.tif
gdal_translate -q -of JPEG foo.vrt foo3.jpg

Output: tif to vrt to jpg

You may have to refine the above logic as some of the colors appear to have changed.

I guess these are the points where one of the RGBA values were "0" and set as nodata in your original TIF file (check using a TIF viewer or QGIS).

But this is the logic you want if you need JPG as output.

  • 1
    Yes, nodata is per-band so it's not actually an adequate mean of conveying the whole information. And indeed png is better, but bigger. I did manage to reduce png size with pngnq as postprocess, so I'll stick with that. Thx
    – eddygeek
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 20:58

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