I am attempting to load FCC Mobile Deployment Form 477 Data into Google BigQuery for analysis and combining with other data I am using. I converted the shapefiles into new-line delimited geojsons using ogr2ogr and concatenated the files for each data release. Unfortunately, BigQuery has a 100MB limit for each row (feature). Initially, I tried to fix this by breaking multipolygons into single polygons, however there are still a large number of features that are much bigger than 100MB (at least one is 500MB). I've attempted simplification at multiple tolerances and the final size is still too large.
What's the best way to divide up the giant polygon features into smaller features that can be loaded into BigQuery?
function shp2geojson() { echo "$1"; ogr2ogr -t_srs crs:84 "$1.geojsonl" "$1.shp"; } for var in *.shp; do shp2geojson ${var%\.*}; done
For each of the folders with the extract shapefiles