In my Vue app there is a button that, when clicked, zooms to the current location. The zoom is animated, and once the animation is finished, a circle should be added to the current location, which is not working at the moment.
Aside from the OL documentation I consulted specifically these sources:
This one helped me to setup "vanilla" OpenLayers in Vue:
This original OL 6.5 example shows code that is used to draw a circle at the current location:
I have troubles to "translate" the OL example code to Vue.
This are the main code lines that (I think) should actually do the job:
// MapContainer.vue => export defaults {
data() {
return {
positionFeature: new Feature(),
circle: new Style({
image: new CircleStyle({
radius: 12,
fill: new Fill({
color: '#FF0000'
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#fff',
width: 12
mounted() {
// Assign style to positionFeature
this.vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
source: new VectorSource({
// features: [this.positionFeature] // <== DOES NOT WORK
features: []
this.tileLayer = new TileLayer({ source: new OSM() })
this.olMap = new Map({
target: this.$refs['map-root'],
layers: [ this.tileLayer, this.vectorLayer ],
view: this.view
methods: {
zoomToCurrentLocation () {
const view = this.olMap.getView()
center: fromLonLat([...]),
zoom: 16,
duration: 1000
}, this.cb_viewAnimate)
cb_viewAnimate () {
createPointAtCurrentLocation () {
// Get coordinates from geolocation
/* const coordinates = this.geolocation.getPosition(); */
// For testing purposes provide coordinates "manually":
const coordinates = [16.3807232, 48.1918976];
const point = new Point(coordinates);
console.log("point =", point);
this.positionFeature.setGeometry( //
coordinates ? point : null //
); // <== DOES NOT WORK
const source = this.vectorLayer.getSource() //
source.addFeatures(this.positionFeature) //
The idea is to setup the positionFeature and its assigned style during Vue's "mounted()" live-cycle state. Just for testing purposes I assign the positionFeature to the VectorLayer => VectorSource right away in "mounted()" as well. But that does not work either (probably because no Point was passed along, but I would expect OL to fall bak to [0,0] then - am I wrong?).
The real goal, however, is to assign the point only, once the animation of the View is finished by calling the createPointAtCurrentLocation
function in View's animate
callback. Various "console.logs" (not shown here) tell me that the functions are indeed called and a positionFeature is assigned. However, there is nothing to see on the map.
I prepared a minimal Codesandbox example here:
What am I doing wrong?
const coordinates = fromLonLat([16.3807232, 48.1918976]);
tracking: true
in the Geolocation options to enable geolocation at startup