I have a two step process here that's not working. 1) A script successfully writes some requested *.json to a *.csv file. 2) The file is then supposed to be added then published to Enterprise Portal, but is failing at this point with a KeyError. My earlier post shows that once the *.csv is set to utf-8
it publishes without the KeyError. But, I'm lacking a way to do this pythonically.
- (run as a stand-alone script)
import json,requests
import os,sys
import csv
path_to_file = os.path.join(r'C:\Users\jpm\Downloads', 'c19_Vaccine_Current.csv')
#idph url goes here
idph_data = 'https://idph.illinois.gov/DPHPublicInformation/api/covidVaccine/getVaccineAdministrationCurrent'
##get json data from idph
response = requests.get(idph_data,verify=True)
#read the json response and keep the VaccineAdministration part
data = response.json()['VaccineAdministration']
#write to file
with open(path_to_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
f = csv.writer(csvfile)
#write the headers of the csv file
f.writerow(['County','AdminCount','AdminCountChange', 'RollAvg', 'AllocDoses', 'FullyVaccinated', 'FullyVaccinatedChange', 'ReportDate', 'Pop', 'PctVaccinated', 'LHDInventory', 'CommInventory',
'TotalInventory', 'InventoryDate'])
for elem in data:
#get the values for all the keys (i.e. CountyName, AdministeredCount, etc...)
f.writerow([elem['CountyName'], elem['AdministeredCount'], elem['AdministeredCountChange'],
elem['AdministeredCountRollAvg'], elem['AllocatedDoses'],
elem['PersonsFullyVaccinated'], elem['PersonsFullyVaccinatedChange'],
elem['Report_Date'], elem['Population'], elem['PctVaccinatedPopulation'],
elem['LHDReportedInventory'], elem['CommunityReportedInventory'],
elem['TotalReportedInventory'], elem['InventoryReportDate']])
- (run from a Pro Notebook)
from IPython.display import display
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import os
gis = GIS('Home') #uses current Notebook as workspace
csv_file = r'C:\Users\jpm\Downloads\c19_Vaccine_Current.csv' #path to CSV
csv_item = gis.content.add({}, csv_file) #add CSV to Enterprise Portal
display(csv_item) #display it here
#location parameter needs to be set to "none" when publishing to Enterprise Portal
csv_item.publish(publish_parameters=params) #publish to Enterprise Portal
#results in this error!
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
In [7]:
Line 3: csv_item.publish(publish_parameters=params) #publish to Enterprise Portal
File C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\__init__.py, in publish:
Line 10353: elif not buildInitialCache and ret[0]['type'].lower() == 'image service':
KeyError: 'type'
If I open the *.csv after the 1st step with this
with open(r'C:\Users\jpm\Downloads\c19_Vaccine_Current.csv') as f:
it prints the encoding as cp1252
-- which I've read is because open()
uses my machine's environment to choose the appropriate encoding.
I've set the encoding to utf-8
in the original with open() as csvfile
. So, how do I bridge the gap? How do I make sure the *.csv is encoded as utf-8
in step 1 before I try publishing it to Enterprise Portal in step 2?
and ultimately whatret
is supposed to contain