I have a problem with over 10k lines from linetable that do not end/start in a point from pointtable.
I need to get these lines snapped so I tried to intersect them by using st_snap
update linetable c set geometry = st_snap(c.geometry, (select geometry from pointtable d where st_dwithin(c.geometry,d.geometry,0.1) limit 1) , 0.1)
where not (st_intersects(ST_StartPoint(c.geometry), (select st_union(geometry) from pointtable ) )
or st_intersects(ST_endPoint(c.geometry), (select st_union(geometry) from pointtable ) ) )
The problem is that it just moves the line to intersect the pointtable, instead of just moving the start/endpoint.
How do I make only the start/end point intersect, rather than adding a vertex or moving a random node?