I am trying to export landscapemetrics output which is a sf dataframe as a raster, the first column of the df is the grid cell number, the second is the value and the third column has the polygon geometry as an sfc list. However when I write to raster I get the following error:
writeRaster(enn2mean,"enn2.tif") Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘writeRaster’ for signature ‘"sf", "character"’
Here is my code:
# Code---------------------------------------------
my_raster = studyarea
# create new grid ---------------------------------------------------------
my_grid_geom = st_make_grid(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(my_raster)), cellsize = 2500)
my_grid_template = st_sf(geom = my_grid_geom)
my_grid_template$plot_id = 1:nrow(my_grid_template)
# calculate patch metrics -------------------------------------------------
enn = sample_lsm(my_raster, my_grid_template,
level = "patch", metric = "enn", progress = TRUE)
# connect results to grid
enn_grid = left_join(my_grid_template, enn, by = "plot_id")
#subset class 2
enn_grid2 <- subset(enn_grid, class==2)
enn2df = subset(enn_grid2, select = c(plot_id,value,geom) )
#calculate mean value of grid cell
enn2mean<-aggregate(enn2df[, 2:3], list(enn2df$plot_id), mean)
enn2plot<-plot(enn2mean["value"],main="Enn Class 2 Mean")
##I then want to export this as a tiff
> class(enn2mean)
[1] "sf" "data.frame"
> writeRaster(enn2mean,"enn2.tif")
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘writeRaster’ for signature ‘"sf", "character"’
. That said, your sf object is a vector and you cannot simply snap your fingers and have it be a raster, you need to rasterize it first. There are many posts regarding that on this forum.