I'm new to Openlayers and GIS in general. I have a WMS request followed by the addLayer method, and surrounded by the addition and deletion of a 'loading' class to an HTML element:
Map.currentOverlay = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, Constants.webServices.wms, {
format: 'image/png',
tiled: false,
}, {
getURL: Projection.getDefaultOverlayUrl
if (Map.currentOverlay != null) {
Map.currentOverlay.initialZoom = map.zoom;
Map.currentOverlay.isBaseLayer = false;
Map.currentOverlay.visibility = true;
Map.currentOverlay.events.on({moveend: Map.__onZoomUpdate});
My goal is to add a loading gif in a dialog window (with CSS) while the layer is not displayed yet. According to this post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9569847/when-does-openlayers-wms-physically-call-the-remote-server the request is done in the addLayer method. But it seems asynchronous: the class 'loading' is added and removed straight away, while the map is not yet displayed. Can I add a callback or something similar to addLayer ? If not, how do I do?
NB: I didn't produce the above code, I just added the "loading" behaviour. Do not hesitate to tell me if something seems wrong with it.