I have a GeoTIFF (USGS Land Use / Land Cover) which works great with AERSURFACE. If I use gdalinfo to get the coordinate system, it comes back as:
PROJCRS["unknown", BASEGEOGCRS["NAD83", DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983", ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101004, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], ID["EPSG",4269]], CONVERSION["Albers Equal Area", METHOD["Albers Equal Area", ID["EPSG",9822]], PARAMETER["Latitude of false origin",23, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ID["EPSG",8821]], PARAMETER["Longitude of false origin",-96, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ID["EPSG",8822]], PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel",29.5, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ID["EPSG",8823]], PARAMETER["Latitude of 2nd standard parallel",45.5, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ID["EPSG",8824]], PARAMETER["Easting at false origin",0, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], ID["EPSG",8826]], PARAMETER["Northing at false origin",0, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], ID["EPSG",8827]]], CS[Cartesian,2], AXIS["easting",east, ORDER[1], LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, ID["EPSG",9001]]], AXIS["northing",north, ORDER[2], LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, ID["EPSG",9001]]]]
9822 isn't a valid EPSG code (??any more??) but I've seen a custom definition similar to this:
PROJECTION "proj=aea" "lat_1=29.83333333333334" "lat_2=45.83333333333334" "lat_0=37.5" "lon_0=-96" "x_0=0" "y_0=0" "ellps=WGS84" "datum=WGS84" "units=m" "no_defs" END
I'm trying to set up a MapServer (for Windows) using the custom definition so that I can serve up sections of the large (16GB) image. When I try to make a GetMap request, how do I specify the "default" projection for my map? The SRS/CRS parameter is required and must be specified with an EPSG name. But, in my case, I'm just trying to get whatever is defined for the map.
that ships with MapServer but with the new versions of MapServer and Proj library it may not be as easy any more. But MapServer can re-project on-the-fly so it should be fine to use your image as it is and use any SRS/CRS in GetMap (you must configure what codes you support in the mapfile). WMS does not have a concept of default SRS/CRS but user must always define the desired output in GetMap request.METHOD["Albers Equal Area", ID["EPSG",9822]]
just like 9001 in another place means metre["metre",1, ID["EPSG",9001]
. This definition does not contain EPSG code for the complete projected coordinate system.