Executing the below command has successfully converted a multi-band rasterFile into a multi-column CSV file.
gdal2xyz.py -band 1 -band 2 ... -band 9 rasterFile csvFileName.csv
csvFile generated:
0.000 0.000 1846 3260 3574 3605 3703 3749 3959 4877 6095
14.806 0.000 1837 3261 3570 3651 3734 3738 3945 4869 6071
29.613 0.000 1826 3291 3582 3624 3753 3727 3931 4861 6048
44.419 0.000 1814 3302 3589 3652 3765 3716 3916 4853 6033
59.225 0.000 1833 3285 3566 3654 3770 3705 3914 4845 6026
How can I convert this multi-column CSV data back into a multi-band raster image? I prefer Python, GDAL, and command-line solutions.
cp rasterFile newRasterFile