I have a line layer and a polygon layer. I'm trying to create an expression to fetch a polygon attribute and add it to the line, based on in which polygon the line ends.

array_last(overlay_intersects('ok_ak_riks', kommunkod))

This isn't always working. How can I modify it? I've been thinking of if I can use end_point($geometry) somehow?

It is working for line 1 and 2, but not 3 (3 is one line, although the symbology is two arrows) end_polygon should be 2505:

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


You can use aggregate() with an intersects() filter:


Previous / alternative answer:

        array_foreach( -- 2. iterate over ALL intersecting features
            overlay_intersects('ok_ak_riks',$currentfeature), -- 1. get ALL intersecting features
                intersects(geometry(@element),end_point($geometry)), -- 3. check if the current one intersects with the lines endpoint
                attribute(@element,'kommunkod'), -- 4a. if it does, return the attribute
                '' -- 4b. otherwise return an empty string
    @element <> '') -- 5. filter out the empty strings from the array

Explanation: you can first get all intersecting features as array by using overlay_intersects('ok_ak_riks',$currentfeature), then iterate over this array by using array_foreach() and filter to the intersecting ones with your endpoint by testing if the current one intersects with your endpoint if(intersects(geometry(@element),end_point($geometry)). This will return the feature of ok_ak_riks intersecting with the lines end. At this point you will get an array like ['','your attribute','',''] where you never know at which position your value is. So you can use array_filter(array,@element <> '') to remove all empty values.


Use this expression with poly as name of the polygon layer and number as the attribute fieldname you want to get:

array_max (
    array_foreach ( 
        overlay_intersects( 'poly', $id),
        if (
            within (end_point ($geometry), geometry (get_feature_by_id('poly',@element))),
            attribute (get_feature_by_id('poly',@element), 'number'),

The expression used as a dynamic label for the lines: enter image description here

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