You do need to get the data onto a common grid. I think I'd try to do it all with gdal command line tools.
For step 1, I use my own program:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from osgeo import gdal, gdalconst
import argparse
# some mappings per and
resampling = { 'near': gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour,
'bilinear': gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear,
'cubic': gdalconst.GRA_Cubic,}
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Use GDAL to reproject a raster to match the extents and res of a template')
parser.add_argument("source", help="Source file")
parser.add_argument("template", help = "template with extents and resolution to match")
parser.add_argument("destination", help = "destination file (geoTIFF)")
parser.add_argument("--resample", choices=resampling.keys(),
help="""Resampling/interpolation method """, default="near")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Source
src_filename = args.source
src = gdal.Open(src_filename, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)
src_proj = src.GetProjection()
src_geotrans = src.GetGeoTransform()
# We want a section of source that matches this:
match_filename = args.template
match_ds = gdal.Open(match_filename, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)
match_proj = match_ds.GetProjection()
match_geotrans = match_ds.GetGeoTransform()
wide = match_ds.RasterXSize
high = match_ds.RasterYSize
# Output / destination
dst_filename = args.destination
dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(dst_filename, wide, high, 1, gdalconst.GDT_Float32)
dst.SetGeoTransform( match_geotrans )
dst.SetProjection( match_proj)
# Do the work
gdal.ReprojectImage(src, dst, src_proj, match_proj, resampling[args.resample])
del dst # Flush
Then for step 3 I'd probably use to do the averaging, and for step 6&7 I'd use to assemble them.
But this procedure doesn't do the normalizing. If normalizing is needed, I'd look into and modify my script to do the normalization in-memory.
I'd also worry that wouldn't handle possible overlapping as desired, but I'm also not sure that VRT would handle overlaps any differently. The normalization step seems like it could cause discontinuities at the mosaic'd edges, but it really depends on the datasets and where the edges are.
with raster data. Have a look atrasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT
. Example -…