I just started working with shapefiles. I need to take polygon # 93 (Sea of ​​Japan) in a large shapefile and build a sea map in bokeh Python. How do I refer to a specific polygon in a shapefile?

import shapefile

shape = shapefile.Reader("С:/World_Seas_IHO_v3.shp") # There are 101 polygons in total, the polygon I need is 93
#first feature of the shapefile
feature = shape.shapeRecords()[0]
first = feature.shape.__geo_interface__  
print(first) # 

2 Answers 2


The result is a dictionary (GeoJSON format, see Python Geo_interface applications for example)

import shapefile
r = shapefile.Reader("polys.shp")
rec = r.shapeRecords()[7]
geom = rec.shape.__geo_interface__
print(geom) # GeoJSON format)
{'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[(245402.24387797402, 1000578.2015550972), (245597.81746161517, 1000599.6342765922), (245640.682904605, 1000453.623861408), (245395.54615250687, 1000450.9447712211), (245402.24387797402, 1000578.2015550972)]]}
# therefore
coords = geom['coordinates'] # or directly rec.shape.__geo_interface__['coordinates']
[[(245402.24387797402, 1000578.2015550972), (245597.81746161517, 1000599.6342765922), (245640.682904605, 1000453.623861408), (245395.54615250687, 1000450.9447712211), (245402.24387797402, 1000578.2015550972)]]


for i in coords[0]:

(245402.24387797402, 1000578.2015550972)
(245597.81746161517, 1000599.6342765922)
(245640.682904605, 1000453.623861408)
(245395.54615250687, 1000450.9447712211)
(245402.24387797402, 1000578.2015550972)

You can also get your points simply via points:

The points attribute contains a list of tuples containing an (x,y) coordinate for each point in the shape.

import shapefile

shape = shapefile.Reader("C:/TempData/test/grids.shp")

feature = shape.shapeRecords()[0]

points = feature.shape.points

That results in

[(413795.5781, 5655831.7174), (413895.5781, 5655831.7174), (413895.5781, 5655731.7174), (413795.5781, 5655731.7174), (413795.5781, 5655831.7174)] 

Also with this method one can refer to a specific point of a feature:

point2 = feature.shape.points[2] # vertex #2

will give you

(413895.5781, 5655731.7174)

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