I am researching streams and I want to select 1st-3rd order streams in North America. The NHD Plus V2 Flowline Network contains stream order (Strahler) in the packaged data and I was wondering if stream order has been calculated in the same fashion for Canada. I have downloaded the 50k NHN data for each Canadian province, but I have not seen stream order in the data anywhere. I would like to avoid having to calculate stream orders for the entirety of Canada on my personal PC. Has anyone ever seen a data set like that for Canada?
1 Answer
In Ontario, at least, this data is maintained by each (most?) Conservation Authority, each of which is responsible for one major watershed. For instance, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has it at https://gis.rvca.ca/server/rest/services/RVCA_Hydrology_Service/MapServer/0 (layer name RVCA_Streamorder). The adjacent Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority also has it on its ArcGis server endpoint somewhere, as have many others (these are the ones relevant for me).
I am not aware of a Province-wide, much less pan-Canadian, dataset.