I am building a web app using Vue 3 and Leaflet. I use the vue-leaflet plugin.
I have a background map and overlay layers, namely WMS tile layers served by Geoserver.
Now I want a popup to open at the location(lat, long) where I click on the layer. For the vue-leaflet plugin I could only find examples for adding a popup to markers, circles or geometries but no example for popups on layers.
To start off, I tried defining a leaflet function that adds a popup to the map when a click event is executed. but that throws me an error. The relevant code snippet and error log attached.
How can I approach this using either the vue-leaflet plugin or a pure leaflet script?
<div id="bg-map">
:options="{zoomControl:false, attributionControl:false}"
<!-- Layers from Geoserver as cached tile layers: -->
v-for="wmsLayer in getCheckedLayers"
// JS
methods: {
addPopUp(e) {
const map = this.$refs.map.leafletObject;
var popLocation = e.latlng;
var popup = new L.popup()
.setContent('<p> Hello popup </p>')
// error log
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
at NewClass._updateContent (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:9617:1)
at NewClass.update (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:9528:1)
at NewClass.onAdd (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:9465:1)
at NewClass.onAdd (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:9751:1)
at NewClass._layerAdd (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:6561:1)
at Proxy.whenReady (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:4422:1)
at Proxy.addLayer (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:6623:1)
at Proxy.openPopup (leaflet-src.esm.js?6bb3:9975:1)
at NewClass.openOn (leaflet-src.js?e11e:9752:1)
at Proxy.addPopUp (BGMap.vue?112f:315:1)