This is my first time using QGIS and I am working on the NHD Plus HR shapefile for the Connecticut River watershed.

Within this, I am trying to use the identity tool to identify the NHDPlusID associated with certain reaches in the watershed; however, when I select a reach, the NHDPlusID does not show up in the identity results.

It showed up initially when I first downloaded QGIS and the shape file but for some reason does not show up anymore. I even tried deleted and re-downloading both the dataset and QGIS but neither has solved this problem. I've attached a screenshot, with the selected reach highlighted in red. The NHDPlusID should show up towards the bottom of the identity results, below SHAPE... and above Enabled. enter image description here

  • If I understand correctly, one of the expected attributes is missing. Does it show up in the attribute table?
    – Cezar B
    Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 15:44
  • Could you check the Fields tab in the layer properties to see if the NHDPlusID field is present ?
    – J.R
    Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 15:51
  • Hi, thank you both for the comments. I checked both the attributes table and the fields tab and NHDPlusID is not in either. The NHDPlusID did show up when I first started to use QGIS but I'm not sure if the ID was present in the attributes table or the fields tab when I first started. Is there any reason why the ID would show up when I initially first used QGIS vs. not showing up after using QGIS 2-3 days later? Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 19:03
  • In your screenshot there is also a non-spatial table which has the same name as the line layer. Maybe that includes your NHDPlusID? If it does, maybe you saw the result of a join between the two.
    – Cezar B
    Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 19:55
  • Thanks for the thought Cezar. I just checked and it's not there either... Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 20:36

1 Answer 1


The dataset you are using is NHD, so it will not have the NHDPlusID. You need to download the NHDPlus HR data for that area.

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