I am trying to extract a stacked ee.Image()using sampleRegions. The first step is running without any issues. However after running sampleRegions, I want to add coordinates.

var dem_30m = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/dem_30m');
var dem_100m = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/dem_100m');
var landcover_100m = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/landcover_100m');
var landcover_30m = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/landcover_30m');
var landsat7_2000 = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/landsat7_2000');
var landsat8_2015 = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/landsat8_2015');
var landsat8_2018 = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/landsat8_2018');
var sentinal2_l2a_s1 = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/sentinel2_l2a_s1');
var sentinel2_l2a_s2 = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/sentinel2_l2a_s2');
var surface_water = ee.Image('projects/isdasoil/covariates/surface_water');

var stack = dem_30m

// Get the values for all pixels in each polygon in the training.
var collection = stack.sampleRegions({
  // Get the sample from the polygons FeatureCollection.
  collection: table,
  // Keep this list of properties from the polygons.
  properties: ['farm_id', 'T_Year'],
  // Set the farm to get Landsat pixels in the polygons.
  scale: 30

I receive the following error when running collection_with_latlon:

FeatureCollection (Error)
Error in map(ID=00000000000000000000_2):
List.get: List is empty (index is 1).

What can I do to solve this issue?

// Break point coordinates up into properties (table columns) explicitly.
var collection_with_latlon = collection.map(function (feature) {
  var coordinates = feature.geometry().transform('epsg:4326').coordinates();
  return feature.set('lon', coordinates.get(0), 'lat', coordinates.get(1));


    collection: collection_with_latlon,
    description: 'hist_tx',
    fileFormat: 'CSV',

1 Answer 1


If you don't turn on the geometries option in sampleRegions, then the results don't have a geometry. From the docs:

geometries (Boolean, default: false):

If true, the results will include a point geometry per sampled pixel. Otherwise, geometries will be omitted (saving memory).

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