I have a situation in which I need to find how many points lie within a polygon, this would be quite simple with a summarized inside join from points to polygons except for the fact that the points have a time field and I only need to know only when the "point time" is in-between the "polygon start time field" and the "polygon end time field". Then I need the sum of all those points that meet that criteria and place into a new field of the polygon layer. I have around 3000 points and 2500 polygons (polygons overlap, thus needing the time constraint)
Logic: SUMofPoints (IF Point is over polygon AND IF Polygon Start Time < Point Time < Polygon End time)
All Point and polygon times are stored in a attribute field inside a geodatabase. If it helps the times are formatted as "yyyymmddhhmm"
I have a feeling that this requires python (or maybe even model builder?) but I have no formal experience in python although I have resources to friends and professors who do. So as simple as possible would be nice, but I know these things aren't really that simple.