I want to use an external SLD (hosted in my server) for symbolizing a raster in GeoServer.
The SLD below works if used as default style in GeoServer. If I copy it (changing some colors) and put outside GeoServer, save as SLD (or XML), and call the GetMap with SLD=https://my_server/mySLD.sld the map I get is still with the 'default, Geoserver' style
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd"
<ColorMapEntry color="#E69800" label="1" opacity="0.0" quantity="0.0"/>
<ColorMapEntry color="#1b4bde" label="Building" opacity="1.0" quantity="1.0"/>
<ColorMapEntry color="#bcbcbc" label="Ground cover" opacity="1.0" quantity="2.0"/>
shortly, WMS call would be like this (also tried withou STYLES param)
I did this for dynamic filtering in vector data and all good (SLDs are created dynamically via PHP), so I am wondering if the problem is that with RASTER data is not possible