I have created a webmap with a layer swipe using OpenLayers 6.3.1 like this. My goal is to display different WMS layers on both sides with different base maps. For now, I have made it so that I can display layers on one side or the same layers on both sides at the same time with different base maps. What I want to do is to have different WMS layers on each side with different base maps.
If this is possible using layer swipe, then how?
I know that shared view (link here) could be a solution but I must use layer swipe.
The code for the layer swipe:
const aerial = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
url: 'https://wxs.ign.fr/ortho/geoportail/r/wms',
serverType: 'geoserver'
class Swipe extends CustomLayer {
// Initialize the Custom Layer
constructor(id, layer, legend, handle = false) {
// Initialize CustomLayer superClass
super(id, layer, legend, handle);
// Define events on the Tile Layer
aerial.on('prerender', function (event) {
var ctx = event.context;
var width = ctx.canvas.width * (swipe.value / 100);
ctx.rect(width, 0, ctx.canvas.width - width, ctx.canvas.height);
// Define events on the Tile Layer
aerial.on('postrender', function (event) {
var ctx = event.context;
// Create The Custom Layer
new Swipe("swipe",aerial);
The const aerial is defined as being the basemap on the right side. I want to add a WMS on the right side. The layers on the left side are already functional.