I use OpenLayers 6 and ol-cesium 2.15. The basemap in use on a 2d view is the ESRI ocean basemap. The problem is that, when using cesium, the map shows a white circle in correspondence of each pole (due to the nature of the ESRI map). To avoid this I imagined I could use a 3d terrain.
However I am having difficulties in getting it. I tried with free MapTile Cloud. The idea is: when I change to a 3d view I take the ocean basemap out and add a 3d terrain. But when I run the code, the 3d globe appears with my custom vector layers and no terrain (just sort of gradient white colors).
Any suggestion?
Here's my code
const view = new ol.View({
projection: mercatorProjection,
//center: ol.proj.transform([-97.6114, 38.8403], 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326'),
center: ol.proj.transform([0,0], 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326'),
zoom: 0
const ocean_map =
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.XYZ({
attributions:'Tiles © <a href="https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/' +
url: 'https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/' +
'Ocean/World_Ocean_Base/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', /*ocean base map*/
crossOrigin: "Anonymous",
maxZoom: 15
visible: true,
const source_eez=
new ol.source.Vector({
format: new ol.format.TopoJSON(),
url: url_child + '/wp-content/themes/mmpatf/map/resources/EEZ_imma_topo.json',
attributions: ['EEZ - ISRA'],
crossOrigin: 'anonymous',
loader: testXHR
const layer_eez =
new ol.layer.Vector({
source: source_eez,
style: eezStyle,
name: 'EEZ - ISRA',
visible: false,
const map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [],
view: view
//the following code enables the change of view in 3D Cesium (ol-cesium)
const ol3d = new olcs.OLCesium({
map: map,
// Set up a variable to track whether the 3D view is enabled
let is3DViewEnabled = false;
// Function to enable/disable the 3D view
document.getElementById('enable').onclick = function() {
is3DViewEnabled = !is3DViewEnabled;
// Check if 3D view is enabled
if (is3DViewEnabled) {
map.getLayers().forEach(function(layer) {
//change layer and get a 3D map
if (layer instanceof ol.layer.Tile) {
const raster = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.Tile({
url: 'https://api.maptiler.com/tiles/terrain-quantized-mesh/{z}/{x}/{y}.quantized-mesh-1.0?key=MYKEY',
// Enable shadow map to allow Cesium to cast scene's shadows
const scene = ol3d.getCesiumScene();
scene.shadowMap.enabled = true;
// Enable lighting the globe with the sun as a light source to have dynamic lighting conditions according to the position of the sun
scene.globe.enableLighting = true;
// Refresh the view
map.updateSize(); // Refresh the OpenLayers map