First of all, the code you provided does not run seamlessly on someone elses machine. Please make sure that all variables are properly defined so that it is less work for others to reproduce your problem.
Secondly, you do not give an example of your data.frame which you say contains coordinates and dates. So, in the example below I created one myself, which is based on a random sample of 10 points from non-NA SpatRaster cells.
Once you have the SpatRaster and a data.frame with coordinates and dates, you can convert to a SpatVector, extract values for all layers and then find the column index closest to the specific date. The output below will also include the originally extracted coloumns so you can make sure that the code does what is expected:
# prepare MODIS data
#> terra 1.7.46
outdir <- "./modis-data"
epsg <- "EPSG:32628"
(files <- list.files(outdir, full.names = TRUE))
#> [1] "./modis-data/MYD13Q1.A2020297.h16v07.061.2020353025751.hdf"
#> [2] "./modis-data/MYD13Q1.A2020313.h16v07.061.2020353215522.hdf"
#> [3] "./modis-data/MYD13Q1.A2020329.h16v07.061.2020363095444.hdf"
dates <- sapply(files, function(x) strsplit(basename(x), "\\.")[[1]][2], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
dates <- as.Date(dates, "A%Y%j") # translate dates using DOY symbol
ndvi_stack <- rast(lapply(files, function(x) rast(x, lyrs = 1)))
time(ndvi_stack) <- dates
ndvi_stack <- project(ndvi_stack, epsg)
names(ndvi_stack) <- paste0("NDVI-", dates)
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 4657, 4954, 3 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 240.1828, 240.1828 (x, y)
#> extent : -158310.6, 1031555, 1105331, 2223862 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : WGS 84 / UTM zone 28N (EPSG:32628)
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : NDVI-2020-10-23, NDVI-2020-11-08, NDVI-2020-11-24
#> min values : -20000000, -20000000, -20000000
#> max values : 99740000, 99628584, 98764727
#> time (days) : 2020-10-23 to 2020-11-24
# prepare a sample data.frame
sample <- spatSample(ndvi_stack, size = 10, xy = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE, values = FALSE)
sample <-
sample$date <- time(ndvi_stack)[1] + runif(10) * (time(ndvi_stack)[3] - time(ndvi_stack)[1])
#> x y date
#> 1 320253.5 1590380 2020-11-13
#> 2 930798.1 1953777 2020-11-11
#> 3 610634.5 1178467 2020-10-30
#> 4 771316.8 1974192 2020-10-27
#> 5 503753.2 1469088 2020-11-20
#> 6 498949.5 2134875 2020-10-26
#> 7 682209.0 1823117 2020-10-25
#> 8 445869.1 1627128 2020-11-08
#> 9 398312.9 1862507 2020-11-12
#> 10 958659.3 2125267 2020-11-08
# first, convert to SpatVector, then do the extraction
sample_vect <- vect(sample, geom = c("x", "y"), crs = epsg)
sample_ext <- extract(ndvi_stack, sample_vect, bind = TRUE)
(df_ext <- values(sample_ext))
#> date NDVI-2020-10-23 NDVI-2020-11-08 NDVI-2020-11-24
#> 1 2020-11-13 39727939 35156511 31914680
#> 2 2020-11-11 17648983 15990054 16292090
#> 3 2020-10-30 57035264 58819043 53931318
#> 4 2020-10-27 15820405 15092227 15943798
#> 5 2020-11-20 75032705 64615513 50219214
#> 6 2020-10-26 12648618 11888546 12277130
#> 7 2020-10-25 17971768 18015492 18374478
#> 8 2020-11-08 41420464 33183057 30414272
#> 9 2020-11-12 26822114 23814448 23446323
#> 10 2020-11-08 11084589 11183971 11237823
# now, we pre-calculate the index with the smallest distance and extract the values
index_date <- sapply(df_ext$date, function(date) which.min(abs(dates - date)) + 1) # + 1 for column index
closest_ndvi <- sapply(1:nrow(df_ext), function(i) df_ext[i , index_date[i]])
closest_date <- as.Date(names(df_ext)[index_date], "NDVI-%Y-%m-%d")
ndvi <- data.frame(closest_date = closest_date, closest_ndvi = closest_ndvi)
# bind it all together for inspection
(ndvi <- cbind(df_ext, ndvi))
#> date NDVI-2020-10-23 NDVI-2020-11-08 NDVI-2020-11-24 closest_date
#> 1 2020-11-13 39727939 35156511 31914680 2020-11-08
#> 2 2020-11-11 17648983 15990054 16292090 2020-11-08
#> 3 2020-10-30 57035264 58819043 53931318 2020-10-23
#> 4 2020-10-27 15820405 15092227 15943798 2020-10-23
#> 5 2020-11-20 75032705 64615513 50219214 2020-11-24
#> 6 2020-10-26 12648618 11888546 12277130 2020-10-23
#> 7 2020-10-25 17971768 18015492 18374478 2020-10-23
#> 8 2020-11-08 41420464 33183057 30414272 2020-11-08
#> 9 2020-11-12 26822114 23814448 23446323 2020-11-08
#> 10 2020-11-08 11084589 11183971 11237823 2020-11-08
#> closest_ndvi
#> 1 35156511
#> 2 15990054
#> 3 57035264
#> 4 15820405
#> 5 50219214
#> 6 12648618
#> 7 17971768
#> 8 33183057
#> 9 23814448
#> 10 11183971
Created on 2023-10-19 with reprex v2.0.2