I'm attempting to create n sub-regions from a polygon based on a cluster analysis of a bunch of overlapping raster layers (physical layers, eg: depth, currents, waves).
Currently, I can create a regular grid across the polygon, then extract physical attributes from the physical raster layers (eg: Gridspot or equivalent tool) then, run a cluster analysis restricted to n number of clusters (in R or other stats package).
Then, I can identify each cluster-group, and plot them back in GIS (QGIS or ArcMap). I envisage however, that some cluster-groups will be dispersed (spatial outliers and not meaningful), whereas some will be clumped (worthy of being a sub-region).
I could then manually draw around representative clumps to create n sub-regions.
Is there a tool like ArcMap 10.1 Grouping Analysis that can be run in QGIS? I'm only running 10.0.
Are there suggestions of a better way to do cluster analysis of multiple raster layers, to create n sub-regions (bio-regions)?