I need to import parking polygons from OSM to PostGIS. But when I import data from Overpass API using ogr2ogr it keeps creating an empty table (with the expected columns as to per osmconf.ini). Import from an extract file (*.osm.pbf) is working fine. Why is the import of the Overpass response not working, and is there a better way to import specific OSM elements? The process is to be automated later.
Overpass API request (response saved to parkings.osm):
https://overpass.osm.ch/api/interpreter?data=[bbox];way[amenity=parking];out geom;&bbox=7.56204,46.72907,7.65333,46.78813
ogr2ogr command:
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL "PG:host=localhost port=5432 user=osm_import password=pwd dbname=somedb active_schema=osm" "parkings.osm" multipolygons -nln osm_parking_polygons -overwrite -skipfailures