I have been trying to aggregate points in QGIS for couple of weeks now. I am developing a small plugin that should allow simple Hexabinning using Uber's h3 plugin. Upon clicking the hexabinning button, the following output should be shown. The output is achieved using the qgis-h3-toolkit-plugin: https://github.com/arongergely/qgis-h3-toolkit-plugin
However, I have found it very hard to integrate code from this plugin. I have been instantiating all the three classes and calling their functions, but there are so many different parameters. See the three classes and functions here https://github.com/arongergely/qgis-h3-toolkit-plugin/blob/main/h3_toolkit/processing/algorithms.py
In my plugin, I have a slider which takes the hexabinning resolution input from the user. Then upon clicking the 'Bin' button, it should call a script/function and the above output should be shown. I am trying to write is a simple script that shows the density of points in hexagons.
I have run the following script: it displays the hexagons, but does not show density (from https://github.com/maphew/mhwcode/blob/1ef8338e20ff24ddbe741af225e556b9d81ec416/gis/qgis/h3-grid-from-layer.py)
def binning_function(self):
# self.hextest = HexTest()
# ed = self.hextest.begin()
# er = self.hextest.run()
print('binning function')
self.debug = False
###---------- Edit these variables ----------
# Min & max h3 resolution levels, from 0 to 15 (global to sub-meter)
# High resolutions over broad areas can be slow and consume a lot of storage space
# https://h3geo.org/docs/core-library/restable
# Resolution 7 is ~2,000m across, 9 is ~320m across, 11 is ~45m (in YT Albers)
self.min_resolution = 0
self.max_resolution = 9
# Output files are {prefix}_{resolution}: Hex_3, Hex_4, ...
self.out_name_prefix = "Hex"
self.geographic_coordsys = "EPSG:4617" # e.g. WGS84, NAD83(CSRS)
self.output_projection = "EPSG:3579" # placeholder, not currently used
# --------------------------------------------
projectPath = os.path.dirname(QgsProject.instance().fileName())
self.geo_csrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(self.geographic_coordsys)
self.out_csrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(self.output_projection)
dataPath = os.path.join(projectPath, "data/")
if not os.path.exists(dataPath):
#instead of chooser, just use active layer, and selected features within that layer
self.mylayer = iface.activeLayer()
if self.mylayer.selectedFeatures():
params = {'INPUT':self.mylayer, 'OUTPUT':'memory:sel'}
self.mylayer = processing.run("qgis:saveselectedfeatures", params)["OUTPUT"]
if self.debug:
def log(self, item):
return QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(item))
def proj_to_geo(self, in_layer):
"""Project to geographic coordinate system, in memory.
H3 needs all coordinates in decimal degrees"""
params = {
"INPUT": self.mylayer,
"TARGET_CRS": self.geographic_coordsys,
"OUTPUT": "memory:dd_",
geo_lyr = processing.run("native:reprojectlayer", params)["OUTPUT"]
if self.debug:
return geo_lyr
def poly_from_extent(self, layer):
"""Return polygon as coordinate list from layer's extent
[(-142.0, 74.0), (-115.0, 74.0), (-115.0, 54.0), (-142.0, 54.0)]
Adapted from
ext = layer.extent()
xmin = ext.xMinimum()
xmax = ext.xMaximum()
ymin = ext.yMinimum()
ymax = ext.yMaximum()
return [(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin)]
def hexes_within_layer_extent(self, layer, level):
"""Return list of HexID within layer's extent
In: qgis layer object, hex resolution level (0-15)
Out: ['8412023ffffffff', '84029d5ffffffff', '8413a93ffffffff']
ext_poly = self.poly_from_extent(layer)
hex_ids = set(h3.polyfill_polygon(ext_poly, res=level, lnglat_order=True))
self.log(f"Hex IDs within extent poly: {str(len(hex_ids))}")
return hex_ids
def run(self):
geo_layer = self.proj_to_geo(self.mylayer)
# For each resolution level fetch geometry of each hex feature and write to shapefile with id
for res in range(self.min_resolution, self.max_resolution + 1):
self.log("Resolution: {res}")
fields = QgsFields()
fields.append(QgsField("id", QVariant.String))
shpfile = os.path.join(self.dataPath, f"{self.out_name_prefix}_{res}.shp")
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(
shpfile, "UTF8", fields, QgsWkbTypes.Polygon, driverName="ESRI Shapefile"
features = []
for id in set(self.hexes_within_layer_extent(geo_layer, res)):
f = QgsFeature()
# note reversing back to X,Y
[QgsPointXY(c[1], c[0]) for c in h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(id)]
if self.debug:
self.log(f"Hex: {id} " + str(h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(id)))
del writer
self.log("Features out: " + str(len(features)))
processing.run("qgis:definecurrentprojection", {"INPUT": shpfile, "CRS": self.geo_csrs})
layer = QgsVectorLayer(shpfile, f"{self.out_name_prefix} {res}", "ogr")
When the above binning_function() procedure is called from my plugin, the following is output. Only the hexabins are shown. I would like to see the counts for each hexabin, and the output should be the same as the first output I have posted.
The count function There is count performed in lines 54-62 of this script: https://github.com/ThomasG77/30DayMapChallenge/blob/master/day4_hexagons/data/h3-processing.py
There is also count performed starting from line 497 of the H3-toolkit here https://github.com/arongergely/qgis-h3-toolkit-plugin/blob/main/h3_toolkit/processing/algorithms.py (see lines 666-715)
Also, I just want one layer created as output - not the 0-9 layers. The output should be based on hexabinning value chosen by the user through a QT horizontal slider.
My dataset: https://mapsafe.xyz/all_clusters_kamloops.zip
Related Post: Using Uber H3 hexagon grids in QGIS