I'm currently struggling to calculate the area of a slightly non-planar surface in PostGIS. The area is a wall surface from a LOD2 data source.
Here's an example:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_DelaunayTriangles(ST_GeomFromewkEWKT('SRID=25832;MULTIPOINT(613595.706 5461088.407 428.479,613595.706 5461088.407 421.196,613598.625 5461091.158 421.196,613601.559 5461093.923 421.196,613601.559 5461093.923 428.452,613598.625 5461091.158 433.68,613595.706 5461088.407 428.479)')));
The result of this query is:
Which is unexpected for me.
Based on my understanding of https://postgis.net/docs/ST_DelaunayTriangles.html I would expect ST_DelaunayTriangles()
to return a set of triangles.
Is my understanding wrong, is there a problem with my usage or is this a bug?
I'm using PostGIS 3.4.0 with SFCGAL 1.3.8.
SELECT ST_DelaunayTriangles(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT Z(613595.706 5461088.407 428.479,613595.706 5461088.407 421.196,613598.625 5461091.158 421.196,613601.559 5461093.923 421.196,613601.559 5461093.923 428.452,613598.625 5461191.158 433.68,613595.706 5461088.407 428.479)'))