I want my features to smoothly transition different to colors based on its data.
For this I apply a new map.setPaintProperty but then the 'fill-color-transition' property becomes lost, forever.. Some code from a Maplibre jsfiddle
Mapboxgl seems to have same issue jsfiddle mapbox
layer paint property:
paint: {
'fill-color-transition': {
duration: 3700
'fill-color': 'blue',
'fill-opacity': .6
//it properly smoothly changes the colors
['get', 'id'],
1, 'red',
'rgba(236, 235, 235, 0.1)' // Default color for all other cases
setTimeout(function() {
//transition not working anymore
map.setPaintProperty('polygons-layer', 'fill-color', 'orange')
}, 2000)