I am using OpenLayers latest version. Using a APIRest, I fetch a PostGIS endpoint and get a response in GeoJSON format.
Then this is used to create a source and a layer :
const response = await myfetch.json()
const opeGeoJsonFormat = new GeoJSON({
dataProjection: "EPSG:2154",
featureProjection: "EPSG:3857",
const ope = opeGeoJsonFormat.readFeatures(response)
const opeSource = new VectorSource({
features: ope,
opeCouche = new VectorLayer({
source: opeSource,
style: styleOpeCouche,
title: "opérations",
From the response, I would like to create clusters. Here is what I have done :
const featuresPoint = []
ope.forEach(operation => {
const coordOpeTableau = operation.getGeometry().flatCoordinates
const polygon = new Polygon(
coordOpeTableau.length - 1
const pointInterieur = polygon.getInteriorPoint()
featuresPoint.push(new Feature(pointInterieur))
Then I have created a cluster source and a layer. So far so good.
I wonder if there is a way of creating the clusters points without using new Polygon
class, since the geometries returned by the response are multipolygon?
I can't do it actually, but I am not an expert developer.
new Polygon
but directly from ope.