This could be seen as a continuation of this question where the top accepted answer uses the spedp library in R in order to generate contiguous clusters of a raster image with multivariate data. In the code they provided (also below, with example dataset here, a raster un UTM Zone 35S containing the results of a supervised classification in 11 classes based on LANDSAT 30m imagery), as far as I understand it, a neighbor list is created with the dimensions of the raster, and then weights are calculated based on the euclidean distance and used to generate a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) which then runs the SKATER algorithm in order to prune this tree based on feature distance. The user, unfortunately, did not provide a working example, nor the results of the code.
This is used effectively in tutorials for this package with polygons, but the problem with applying this to a raster seems to be that the MST for a raster, at least calculated with the methods available in spdep, will always provide a link where the next connected cell is the one below it until it hits an edge, so any possible pruning of the MST will result in your clusters being in a straight line rather than in a more natural shape.
Finally to the question: Is there a way to circumvent this? Or is SKATER and its associated methods simply not suited for clustering raster data?
# 1. Load packages
packs <- list("tidyverse", "raster", "spdep", "parallel")
lapply(packs, require, character.only = T)
# 2. Load raster layers using raster()
layers <- brick("sample.img")
r1 <- layers[[1]]
r2 <- layers[[2]]
r3 <- layers[[3]]
# And so on...
# 3. Define the number of regions (k + 1)
k <- 10
# 4. Merge explanatory variables in data frame
dat <- lapply(list(r1, r2, r3), values) %>%, .) %>%, stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("1984", "1993", "1997"))
# 5. Set up parallel framework for faster computation (optional)
# For a non-parallel, single core execution skip steps 5 and 13
ncores <- detectCores() - 1
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores, type = "PSOCK")
# 6. Standardize variables
sdat <- scale(dat) %>%, stringsAsFactors = F)
# 7. Create neighbor list object
raster_nb <- cell2nb(nrow(r1), ncol(r1), type = "queen") # you can alternatively set contiguity to "rook"
# 8. Subset cells
# There are various reasons for which you might need to exclude some pixels to avoid errors in subsequent functions
# One example is missing values in your raster layers (e.g. due to water bodies)
complete_pixels <- which(complete.cases(sdat))
raster_nb <- subset.nb(raster_nb, 1:length(raster_nb) %in% complete_pixels)
sdat <- sdat[complete_pixels,]
# 9. Calculate dissimilarity between neighboring cells
lcosts <- nbcosts(raster_nb, sdat)
# 10. Calculate spatial weights based on dissimilarity between neighbors
raster_w <- nb2listw(raster_nb, lcosts, style = "B")
# 11. Obtain minimum spanning tree
raster_mst <- mstree(raster_w)
# 12. Run skater clustering algorithm
skater_clusters <- skater(raster_mst[,1:2], sdat, k)
# 13. Close parallel framework
# 14. Visualize results
# Initialize an empty raster with the same dimensions
cluster_raster <- raster(layers)
cluster_raster[] <- NA
# Assign cluster IDs from SKATER results
cluster_raster[complete_pixels] <- skater_clusters$groups
# Visualize
plot(cluster_raster, main="Cluster Assignments")