I am trying to get Leaflet to display a TileCache Schema tileset. One example:


As far as I can tell, Leaflet only supports TMS style tiling schemas such as:


I tried to find an extension of a L.tileLayer that supports the TileCache tiling schema, but no such luck.

  • out of curious , why using Leaflet and not OpenLayers?
    – Alophind
    Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 6:57
  • We are already using OpenLayers in production, but want to experiment with Leaflet as an alternative.
    – petzlux
    Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 7:54
  • I wanted also to try leaflet but not sure if answer all my requirements : Ability to load my own raster , offline OSM tiles , custom tool box...
    – Alophind
    Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 7:19

3 Answers 3


Standard L.Tilelayer in leaflet supports TMS and tilecache outputs TMS. Don't forget to set the tms property to true.


var grb =  L.tileLayer( "http://grb.agiv.be/geodiensten/raadpleegdiensten/geocache/tms/1.0.0/grb_bsk@GoogleMapsVL/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" , {
            tms: true
  • Okay, but that doesn't answer my question. How to use a TileCache Schema tileset in Leaflet. I don't want to touch the TileCache configuration...
    – petzlux
    Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 7:55

If you know how to convert between tile cache and tms you can use this plugin which allows you to set a function instead of a template for the tile url.


Okay, I have got the schema working now, but I still have problems with getting the right tiles (this is probably due though to exotic custom Projection and wrong BBOX origins on my end, another problem I am working on).

As suggested, I am using the functional tilelayer plugin. The zeroPad() function just pads with zeros the tile references:

        function zeroPad(num, places) {
            var zero = places - num.toString().length + 1;
            return (Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join("0") + num).toString().slice(-places);

        var funcLayer = new L.TileLayer.Functional(function (view) {    
            xPadded = zeroPad(view.tile.column,9);
            yPadded = zeroPad(view.tile.row,9);
            zPadded = zeroPad(view.zoom,2);

            var url = "http://tile{s}.domain.com/topo/{z}/{c1}/{c2}/{c3}/{r1}/{r2}/{r3}.png"

                .replace('{s}', view.subdomain)
                .replace('{z}', zPadded)

                .replace('{c1}', xPadded.slice(0,3))
                .replace('{c2}', xPadded.slice(3,6))
                .replace('{c3}', xPadded.slice(6,9))

                .replace('{r1}', yPadded.slice(0,3))
                .replace('{r2}', yPadded.slice(3,6))
                .replace('{r3}', yPadded.slice(6,9))
                return url;
            }, {
            tms: true, //Optional depends on your tiling schema
            subdomains: '1234'}); 

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